Sunday, October 11, 2009

5:13 AM

Good morning baby..

I just came home..went to play poker with a few friends..
Today i sent mama and papa off..they went to Japan for holidays. They want u to take good care of yourself.

Love, the reason i write to u everyday is because i know this is the only way i can keep in touch with u. I have not forgotten how you look like..i have not forgotten the days we spent happily with each other. Every day, almost every other hour, i think of those times i was holding your hand, kissing you good night..sometimes when i drive, i look at the passenger seat and think of u. things are never the same anymore. Every night before i sleep, i take a few minutes to "talk" to you. It seems as though you are just right beside me.

Of course, there are days when i get emotionally very worn out. I keep thinking if things will be the same when u come out and i worry how can we be together eventually as you can never come to Singapore anymore. Nevertheless, im still keeping faith, that if our love is strong enough,eventually we will find a way out of this.

Right now, i keep telling myself everyday, no matter wat happens, i still must have hope. Only hopes can keep me and us alive now. I want to go through this with you because i love you so much and i want to be with you. And i will be strong and take good care of myself. Because i know how terrible it is to lose someone i love, therefore i will never allow you to ever feel this way. I want you to be happy. Happy today, tomorrow and many days to come.

Baby, i will hang on. For you, and for us. I love you. I really really do.

Goodnight my love, i am another one day closer to you.

Loving you always,

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